Welcome to the BuidlerDAO Season 2 Governance Guardians Election Conference.

In January, we successfully held the "Community Governance Quarterly Discussion" and "S1 Governance Guardians Election Conference." During these events, community members showed great enthusiasm for participation and offered many valuable suggestions. These suggestions have provided important references for the operation and governance models of our community, helping us to continuously improve and iterate. We have also summarized the operational experiences from S0 to S1 quarter and meticulously revised the BuidlerDAO whitepaper to better meet the needs and expectations of the community. We are grateful for the community's ongoing support and look forward to future collaboration to build a more prosperous community ecosystem.

We are now officially launching the community position elections for the Season 2. We warmly welcome qualified community members to participate in the election. After the election concludes, we will enter the three-month S2 governance operation phase, and we look forward to everyone's active participation and contributions!

欢迎大家来到 BuidlerDAO S2季度治理守护者竞选大会

今年1月,我们成功举办了《社区治理季度讨论会》和《S1季度治理守护者竞选大会》。在这两项活动中,Governor 治理团队和社区成员展现了参与热情,并提出了许多宝贵的建议。这些建议为我们社区的运营和治理模式提供了重要的参考,帮助我们不断完善和迭代。同时,我们也总结了从S0到S1季度的运营经验,并对 BuidlerDAO 的白皮书进行了精心修订,以更好地满足社区的需求和期望。感谢社区的持续支持,并期待未来的合作,共同打造一个更加繁荣的社区生态。


📅 Timeline 时间轴

🌟 About Election 关于竞选

S2 Open Position 开放岗位

Check your $BRP

📜 Whitepaper 白皮书

💬 Forum 论坛

🔧 Join BuidlerDAO Community


<aside> ⚙️ If you have any questions, please contact the operating guild: createpjf | Leo

(Telegram: createpjf)

如果有任何问题请联系运营公会:createpjf | Leo

Please download in advance to participate in the meeting: https://zoom.us/

参与会议请提前下载: https://zoom.us/,

会议地址: 🔗:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2743320606?pwd=VytybHpoVGw0NnZxN1NLTnRxSXpTdz09

Meeting ID: 847 3862 0312 Passcode: 987702


💾 Resources 过往资料

BIP-002: 第一期守护者(Guardians)竞选提案


→ Last full-page update: 05/09/24 by @createpjf|Leo