This discussion is for the S2 quarter election post for the Sword Holder and Team Lead candidates. Candidates can fill in the required information in the comments section. Sword Holder, also known as the Guardian of Resolutions, will form the Governor team along with the Team Lead, known as the Guardian of Governance.

Info Page:S2 季度治理守护者(Governors)竞选大会

Current position recruitment: S2 Open Position 开放岗位

Apply period: 2024/05/10 (Friday) - 2024/05/19 (Sunday)

According to the White Paper V1 <Organizational Structure - Guardians - BuidlerDAO WhitePaper 1> definition:

Guardians are another identity held by some community members who interlace among various guilds, responsible for coordination and liaison work. Depending on their functions, they are divided into Partners, Governors, and Sword Holders, each guarding nodes, governance, and resolutions respectively.

A Governor, or Guardian of Governance, will undertake critical governance functions, as required by the white paper:

Key responsibilities include: forming and leading work groups, supporting goal achievement, promoting community governance, overseeing finances, maintaining community standards, and accepting community member applications for arbitration.

Sword Holders, or Guardians of Resolutions, will take on functions such as anti-malfeasance and treasury management, as required by the white paper:

Established to ensure the community develops in the right direction and to avoid potential node malfeasance, they have the power to veto any resolution (except immutable rules bound by the founding constitution). Multisig: Sword Holders are also the treasury multisignatories, requiring more than half to operate assets, such as 4/6, 4/7, 5/8.Veto Power: They can vote to veto any resolution (except immutable rules bound by the founding constitution) within 7 days after the resolution is confirmed.Selection Process: The 0th term consists of initiators; the 1st term consists of 5 guild Heads to ensure overall balance; normally, elections are held every six months, with each guild having at least one Sword Holder; each election may add 0-2 Sword Holders, with a maximum of 9 people.Eligibility Requirements: At least continuous contributions for over six months and currently contributing; Citizen level or above.

Buidler DAO 社区身份体系.png

For ease of reference to BuidlerDAO's horizontal and vertical organizational structure, refer to the above diagram. The Guardian team will have a horizontal identity, interlacing among various guilds, responsible for coordination and liaison work, divided into Partners, Governors, and Sword Holders, each guarding nodes, governance, and resolutions respectively.

This discussion will also form the basis of our formal proposal. We ask all members to follow the standard format below for their election statements, clarify their duties, and accept the supervision of the entire community. Additionally, if other members have questions or suggestions for improvement regarding the responsibilities of these positions, they are welcome to join the discussion here.

Standard election participation format: